
Cute panda zipper für Android

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 9.3
  • 4.9

  • Sicherheitsstatus


Niedlicher Panda-Reißverschluss - Ein einzigartiger und anpassbarer Sperrbildschirm

Cute panda zipper is the cutest lock screen available for download from the Play Store! With this app, you can unlock your phone in a really unique and customizable way. The main feature of Cute panda zipper is the ability to choose your own wallpaper for the locker screen and for your device background. You can also change the zipper style, color, and design with just a simple click until you find the best combination that works for you.

In addition to its customization options, Cute panda zipper provides various useful widgets and interesting themes for decorating your lock screen while protecting privacy and ensuring security. The app also offers a password option that you can use before unzipping the lock screen.

Applying Cute panda zipper is very easy. Just click the "Activate Lock Screen" button from the main menu, and the locker will be displayed every time you lock and unlock your device.

With the personalization tab in the menu, you can fully customize your lock screen. You can choose a wallpaper for both the locker and your device background, customize the zipper tab to match your background or make it stand out, select the style of your zipper with different colors and shapes, and even change the font style of the information displayed on your zipper lock screen.

Cute panda zipper also offers a preview option, so you can see all the changes you made and fine-tune the design of the locker without having to exit the app. This makes it very convenient to use, as you can make all the changes in one place.

Furthermore, Cute panda zipper allows you to further customize the locker by choosing the animation speed for the zipper, enabling or disabling the zipper sound and vibration, and displaying the date, time, and battery level on the lock screen. If you prefer a clean look, you can turn off all the widget options.

Unlock your device in style with Cute panda zipper and start pulling the zipper today!

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Cute panda zipper für Android

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 9.3
  • 4.9

  • Sicherheitsstatus

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